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Planning in WF


Level 2
Hello, I have a small in-house group at Seventh Generation, a natural home and personal care company within Unilever. My team is produces mostly packaging artwork and integrated digital communications. We don't track time or plan hours at this point, it's more trouble than its worth for a team this small, however I am trying to have a better projection for work 12-18 months out especially for packaging. I would think that I could create a milestone path and then build a report that shows where milestones are landing. Does that seem correct? Additional thoughts on how I could report on this? Thanks! tay Tay Olson Seventh Generation, Inc.
1 Reply


Level 7
This doesn't really answer your question, but we don't track our hours either. However, we wanted to get a sense of the number of projects that are in progress and the different time commitments that may be allotted to them. For instance, one project may take less than an hour and one could take over 10 hours. So in our templates, we have a custom form dropdown that has different sizes (estimated hours planned) as options. Each project template has one of those sizes selected. And then we have a report/dashboard that shows the number of in-progress projects per size. Leah Janz Metro Transit