We are configuring Workfront for rollout. I am helping with creating dashboards and reports. At one point, I asked my team this:
Thinking globally, everyone is dealing with tasks and issues, plus proofs -- as far as things they have to do. So we could have reports and dashboards that would work for everyone if we did something like the list below. One person said that the Home tab does a lot of this so it's not needed in the dashboards. (We are trying to ensure everyone uses their Home tab effectively). So my question is, what really are the dashboards for? The Home tab is where you see everything (tasks, issues, requests, proofs, etc.) that are assigned to you. What should you see -- describing it at a high level -- in the dashboards?
My Tasks due today or overdue - sort by type My Tasks due this week or overdue - sort by type My Tasks due next week - sort by type My Tasks all grouped by week and type All tasks assigned to my job role grouped by week and project owner and same for issues and proofs.
Mavis Moon