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Organizing Reports


Level 8
I'm having trouble moving reports from the All Reports section into a report folder that I created. According to the Workfront Help site, it should be as simple as dragging and dropping the reporting into the appropriate folder which I tried doing but wasn't able to. Is anyone else having this issue? Does anyone have a fix or know if I'm doing something wrong?

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29 Replies


Level 10
Hi: I thought you could only organize reports you own into folders. I didn’t think you could take reports created by others and group them into folders. I tried and can’t move anything from All Folders to any of my folders. I can only move reports from My Reports to my folders. I’m the sysadmin, too. Does this help? Eric


Level 8
Thanks Eric! That does help. I wonder if there is away to move reports from All Reports into folders. Our reports are starting to get a little nuts.


Level 10
If you are sysadmin, here is a sneaky way - log in as the user who created the report, move it to the desired folder, and log out ☺ Our reporting library is getting huge. I’ve got a report of reports created by people who don’t work here. I tend to delete a lot of those. I also have a report of reports with names like UNTITLED or TEST or TEMP and so on. Those are first to go. I wish there were metrics kept on when a report was last run, who ran it, how often a report is run, and so on. We could quickly force-rank reports by usage and start trimming down our set of reports. What I want to do is drive commonality of use - if you want to see cost variances, for example, here are the two basic reports you’d use for that. As it is, there might be ten or more reports out there that address cost variances. ☺


Level 3
What I found is that if I can get others to name a folder the same as one of mine, then when you view All Reports and group by Folder, you will see reports Entered By others in "your" folder.


Level 8
@Eric and @Robert: Thank you both for the excellent solutions!!!! I really appreciate the help. In Reply to Robert Goodhand:
What I found is that if I can get others to name a folder the same as one of mine, then when you view All Reports and group by Folder, you will see reports Entered By others in "your" folder.


Level 5
Hello! Did you say there was a way to create a view that shows you when a report was used last and by whom? I would love to figure out what reports are no longer being used so that I can delete them. Thanks, Kris Lamp


Level 10
WorkFront Tech Support told me (last year) that WorkFront doesn't keep track of each run of a report in a place we can get to. They have system logs they can look at, but are inaccessible to us. If someone knows how to get this information, please speak up. I'd also love to know. Thanks!


Level 2
Maybe we can submit an enhancement request for this. I'd also like to know this information. It makes sense to keep reporting tidy.


Level 5
Great idea! We should all submit it that way they know it is something a lot of people would like to see. Kris


Level 10
Count me in.....we really need the feature as well! We have only been using Workfront for 9 months and already have over 700 reports! This is even after deleting the obviously un-needed reports. The big generator of these is when we have a dashboard which we want to provide to different groups of users based on a filter using custom field data. We can't use a wildcard and there is no run-time prompt/filter function. I recall hearing a while back that Workfront are working on adding the ability to filter an existing dashboard. This would save us from creating so many extra dashboards and reports.


Level 3
David- This won't help your volume issue but when I have reports created specifically for dashboards, I create a folder for the dashboard specific reports. That way I know they are being used on a dashboard. I title them something like "HR Department Dashboard Reports". Just to add a little clarity to the insanity =)


Level 8

Does anyone know if we can run a report to show me all reports that use Portfolios and Programs in anyway (ex. as a filter, grouping, etc.)?0690z000007Zkc8AAC.png


Level 10
Hi - I've been looking for a "where-used" capability. I want to be able to see the name of every report or view or filter a particular attribute is used, especially the custom attributes we create. <> Is this what you're looking for? I was told by WorkFront tech support that meta-data is not available to end users for reporting. I'm still trying to find out how WorkFront represents reports in their database - maybe AtApp can develop something. Doug? Chris? What can AtApp do?


Level 8
Hi Eric, Yes that's what I'm looking for. We're changing the infrastructure that we currently have in place and want to get ahead of all the "my report won't work" emails that we anticipate getting which is why I'm looking to get this info.


Level 1
OMG, please add me to the list of those that requrie this enhancement, our list is out of control but as I am not sure who is accessing each report I have not as yet deleted any. It would make my life so much easier if I could see the reports that are not being used.


Level 2
One thing I've started doing, is renaming the reporting and putting in the title Deleteing 12/31/2016 in the begining of the title. And if it's something we are using, I've started a naming nomenclature of SR - [Report Name] (That stands for Standard Report) or Department name. Starts to streamline things wee bit. I did like the idea above of the folders for Dashboards. It's inline with the same concept. We do lable all our dashboards as SD - For Standard Dashboards. It keeps it in check. Until we get reports on the backend, this is what we've done!


Level 10
I like your Expiry Date report naming convention, Brady: simple, and effective. Eric, to your "where used" question, I invite you to check out our Report of Report Details solution, which easily documents the configuration of a group of Workfront Reports. Regards, Doug


Level 2
We have quite a number of reports now in workfront and had started to experience the same issues with people not knowing which reports to use. It doesn't help that you have a load of reports primarily used for dashboards and nothing else. OUr solution was to create a dashboard of reports - it only displays the reports that people should be using and we split it into sections to make it easier for them to identify them eg issue reports, SOP Board reports, etc. Its another set of reports (!!) and dashboards but seems to work for the users.


Level 3
Sue, when you say "...split it into sections..." how do you label each dashboard section?