Hi, I'm not having luck using a negative value as my true expression in my IF statement. Using a positive value in the exact same statement works. Is there special syntax for negative values in an IF statement? Am I missing something? I'm comparing project vs. template durations and looking to group the % differences outside the 0-20% range, either more or less. When I subtract durations I end up with some negative values. I'd like to group those that are less than or equal to -20% in a range....i.e. -20% to -10000%. You take out the negative signs for this one, and it works fine. group.0.valueexpression=IF(ROUND(DIV(SUB(DIV(DIV({durationMinutes},60),8),DIV(DIV({template}.{durationMinutes}/60),8)),DIV(DIV({template}.{durationMinutes}/60),8))*100,2) <=-20 &&ROUND(DIV(SUB(DIV(DIV({durationMinutes},60),8),DIV(DIV({template}.{durationMinutes}/60),8)),DIV(DIV({template}.{durationMinutes}/60),8))*100,2) <=-10000 ,'-20-10000%',"") Anyone know how to get it to compare with negative values? Thanks in advance! Kristen Iyall Marketing Technology Transamerica DENVER, CO