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I thought this would be easy but I'm having trouble. I'm trying to create a report that filters by any projects with a specifically named task in them. What is the right way to do this? Let's say the task is called "Upload Final File". How can I generate a report of all projects with that task name?
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Hi Tim,
please try the below, this will allow you to filter on the task name on a project report.
tasks:name=Upload Final File
Also, here is for the task name contains.. Sorry I meant to add this in the original reply
tasks:name=Upload Final File
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Hi Tim,
please try the below, this will allow you to filter on the task name on a project report.
tasks:name=Upload Final File
Also, here is for the task name contains.. Sorry I meant to add this in the original reply
tasks:name=Upload Final File
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Hi @TimBa4 - You might want to try working backwards on this and do a task report (Task Name contains Upload Final File) and then just pull in the Project Level Information in the columns of the report.
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