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Multiple Kanban Boards - from the same 'Project"?


Level 9
Happy Holidays Everyone.... I believe I know the answer to this, or at least I hope I have it ;-) Question/Scenario: Take a single Project's, more importantly it's Tasks. Can you assign multiple Teams to the tasks for the purpose of creating a Kanban board? The Why? We have a situation where it would make sense to have say 30-40 request queues where say a single team might be responsible for 5-10 of those queues. Which is pretty cut and dry no worries! Out of those 6-7 Teams work independent of the other 6 teams and each would have their Kanban board, again pretty simple... BUT upper management would like to see all of the work on a unique Kanban board showing all WORK in each state (issue, backlog, Sprint errr Iteration> -- my logic is: each task would be assigned to the Standard Team and Management Team.... and thats where I get into trouble... My goal was that all of the Stories would appear on the Manager's board so that they could get a BIG picture of all in flight work. BUT that Manager team would need to replicate the work from the lower board as a story ETC... which sort of defeats any time saved here. So I suppose my question here is -- any Best Practice ways around this? And if anyone here has leveraged the Agile Teams in such a manner? John Seitz ESPN - System Admin John.W.Seitz@disney.com

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3 Replies


Level 7
Hi John, to answer your first question: Can you assign multiple Teams to the tasks for the purpose of creating a Kanban board? The answer is no. We recently transitioned another team in our department to agile Kanban and needed to add this team to a certain task on our templates; however, because there was already another agile Kanban team assigned, it would not let us add the second team to the task. I contacted support just to confirm, and they responded that at the moment, only one team can be assigned to a task. So for us, I had to add the same task again to the template and assign it out separately to the second team, so it shows up in their KanBan board. So for us, the project template looks like this: Task ABC, KanBan Team A Task ABC, KanBan Team B Terry Hynd EBSCO Information Services


Level 9
Thank you -- yeah this sort of stinks So is my use case just abnormal (though it seems similar to yours...) I suppose another Idea Exchange entry ha! JohnSeitz ESPN John.W.Seitz@disney.com


Level 7
Yeah, I was kinda bummed out that it would not let me add a second team to the task. My use case was just that I needed to have one more team assigned, as they also need to work on the task along with another team -- and so that it showed up on each team's KanBan board. There is an idea already posted here: "https://support.workfront.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/115005672467-Multiple-Teams-on-Single-Task?flash_digest=81ac87d81de7ccf020108c798697ffa6d477c185">Multiple Teams on Single Task . It has 48 votes already and is marked as under consideration. Terry Hynd EBSCO Information Services