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Method to update multiple task names?


Level 3
Is it possible to select multiple tasks with the same Task Name and apply a batch update to those task's names? I have a list of 458 tasks where I would like to add some additional notes to the task name without having to update them individually. Cameron Howitt
6 Replies


Level 7
I had this the other day with 275ish tasks and ended up doing this manually as I couldn't find a way! Vicky Fitzgerald Telegraph Media Group Limited


Level 10
Hi Vicky and Cameron, Huh: I'd forgotten that "name" is not one of the fields that can be bulk edited across multiple tasks. Instead of doing each one by one (next time and this time for you each, respectively), I invite you consider either our "http://store.atappstore.com/product/sync-template/">Sync Template solution (i.e. change the name on the template, then sync that template to the projects based upon that template), or our "http://store.atappstore.com/product/excel-updater/">Excel Updater solution (e.g. export Task ID / Task Name to Excel, make the edits in Excel, then upload those edits to update Workfront accordingly). Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore Got Skills? Lend a hand! https://community.workfront.com/participate/unanswered-threads


Level 3
Hey Doug, Thanks for this info. The Excel Updater solution is quite elegant. Well done. Is it possible to test parameters and see the cost benefit analysis before providing any payment info? Would like to see what it would cost our org to use this tool for our current requirement. Thanks, -Cameron Cameron Howitt


Level 4
I have done this multiple times. When setting up a report, do task - name - CONTAINS and then paste in the name of the task. It will run showing all the tasks within all the projects that specific task is located. Then, click the square to highlight them all and choose to edit. Michelle Jackson Colony Brands, Inc.


Level 10
Hmmm I just tried this when I wanted to update Task Names in about 30 projects that all have the same change. When I select all the tasks and Edit, the Name is the one thing it won't allow me to change. It did allow me to change the name from within the report, so I had to copy/paste it on each task. It was pretty quick, but if there were hundreds, it would be a different story. Jill Ackerman


Level 10
This is sort of the thing I'm looking for but it doesn't work: IFIN({Task}.{Name}, "Mail Date", {plannedCompletionDate},"") Jill Ackerman