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Measure time: Request submission to project conversion


Level 2
Hello, Has anyone ever built a report to measure the average time it takes from when an a request is submitted until the moment it is converted into an actual project? The goal is to determine how long new requests are sitting in a queue before being worked on by a project manager. Is this an easy one? Thanks in advance. Victor Victor Mendez MFS Investment Management

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2 Replies


Level 2
Ok, I think I figured it out --- but not completely. It's an Issue Report. I set a filter to show all requests submitted in the last month. Added 2 columns for "Issue Entry Date" and "Issue Actual Start Date". But now I need to add another column, it would have to be a calculated column to show the difference between the 2 columns. I think it would be the DATEDIFF function, but this is where I could use somebody's expertise in calculated fields. I tried this, but it's not working: displayname=Time to Convert textmode=true valueexpression=DATEDIFF({EntryDate},{ActualStartDate})) valueformat=HTML Thank you, Victor Mendez MFS Investment Management


Level 10
Hi Victor, I think you had an extra ) at the end, and from this "https://support.workfront.com/hc/en-us/articles/217025558-View-Task-with-All-Dates-Variance">Datediff reference, I suspect (untested) either valueexpression=DATEDIFF(EntryDate,Actual Start Date) or valueexpression=DATEDIFF({entryDate},{actualStartDate})) will calculate as desired. Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore SEE you at LEAP using the GPS App https://community.workfront.com/discussions/community-home/digestviewer/viewthread?MessageKey=3e032b... Got Skills? Lend a hand! https://community.workfront.com/participate/unanswered-threadsAtAppStore Inc.