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Looking for help on txt mode for a calculated duration variance on a report at the project level


Level 4
Looking for help on txt mode for a calculated duration variance on a report at the project level. I need to know the duration variance between what was approved (baseline) and what is planned. I am able to get the txt mode calculation at the task level but completely stuck at the project level. Any suggested tweaks would be greatly appreciated! Here is the txt as I have it right now: description=Duration Variance displayname=Planned Duration Variance to Baseline durationunitfield=durationUnit.value linkedname=direct listsort=intAsInt(durationMinutes) name=Duration Variance namekey=duration querysort=project:durationMinutes shortview=false stretch=100 textmode=true valueexpression=((SUB{project:durationMinutes},{defaultBaseline}.{project:durationMinutes})/480," Days") valuefield=project:durationMinutes valueformat=compound#M:D viewalias=project:duration width=100

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3 Replies


Level 10
Sheila, have you considered using the DATEDIFF, WEEKDAYDIFF, or WORKMINUTESDIFF functions? Example: valueexpression=ABS(WEEKDAYDIFF({entryDate},{actualCompletionDate}))


Level 4
Thank you for the suggestion! I may use that calc functionality in the future. I was successful in getting the txt I needed. Sharing in case someone else needs/wants. displayname=Planned Duration Variance to Baseline linkedname=direct namekey=duration querysort=durationMinutes textmode=true valueexpression=CONCAT(ROUND(({project}.{durationMinutes}-{project}.{defaultBaseline}.{durationMinutes})/480),' Days') valuefield=durationMinutes valueformat=compound#M:D viewalias=duration


Level 7
Thanks Shiela. BTW, it didn't work for me initially, so in the valueexpression I took out the reference to {project} since it's at the project level and it worked. Mine looks like this (in case anyone needs it): valueexpression=CONCAT(ROUND(({durationMinutes}-{defaultBaseline}.{durationMinutes})/480),' Days') Not sure why it didn't work for me, but now it does.