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Linking/Connecting Projects


Level 3
I was wondering if anyone has any experience in linking or connecting different projects together? Not so much in the portfolio sense (we use portfolios differently). But more of creating a larger project and branching off smaller projects (each with their own independent job#s) from the larger. It could be referencing them, maybe getting notified when one project is done to start another, we are not really sure yet we just want to know what tools are there for connecting them. Any information will be helpful. Thank you Mike Mike Marando Excelsior College
10 Replies


Level 1
Hi Mike, We have a similar need to link projects. The only way I have figured out is to add a field to our project custom form to enter the reference number of the connected projects. Then you can include the field in a report to see combined actuals, budget, etc. Hope this helps. Anxious to see how other handle this situation. Sheila Rowland Humana


Level 10
Hi: We create a program, and then create lots of projects that we associate with the program. To get finances, we create a report that adds up the financials from every project in that program. That's what we do. Does that help at all? Thanks, Eric


Level 1
Hi Mike, we do the same as Eric. You can link tasks to other projects by referencing them as predecessors by using [ProjectId]:[TaskNo]. Where ProjectID is the unique identifier of the project holding the preceding task and the TaskNo is the task number in that other project. Cheers Matthijs CHC


Level 3
We create a "master set up" project and use issues which are then converted to "sub-projects". I posted earlier this year ("https://community.workfront.com/discussions/community-home/digestviewer/viewthread?MessageKey=8c9b19e0-0a43-489a-88f2-53fd8195df37&CommunityKey=aaafaff0-5e4e-4e38-8903-f1f990935567&tab=digestviewer#bm8c9b19e0-0a43-489a-88f2-53fd8195df37#bm3">Sub-projects ) about it and while we went back and forth internally on which way to go, we are now using this process for our creative material work. We are using short Issue forms but I'm not carrying anything through via the issue to the sub-project since the sub-projects will be kept in the same program as the master. When the issue is first converted by "team A", we are using a simplified task template with a short custom form. When "team B" is assigned to it they append the full task template for the specific type of project which has a much longer custom form on it. Lastly, we'll be using the 'master URL' calc (see other post) on the sub-projects so that there's always an easy way back to it. In the future I'll look at using the master ref ID to simplify things post-launch. You may also want to look at using calculated fields to pull in ref IDs & nomenclature for your project naming to show what goes together. Thanks, Ondina Ondina Sturges Everyday Health Inc


Level 8
Matthijs is referring to cross-project predecessors. You can also do this through a user interface by navigating to a task, and going to the predecessor task (usually under the 'more' menu unless you've moved it through a layout interface). The default view under predecessors is 'predecessors' but there is also an option for cross-project predecessors. You get a lookup list of project names, and once you select a project a list of tasks within that project as well as the ability to set lag. Note: Once you've created a cross-project predecessor, you can click on the 'predecessors' column in a task view and in-line edit. You don't seem to be able to edit it directly in the cross-project predecessor tab. The work around is to delete it and re-create it if you need to change it. My understanding is these are only updated overnight (if you've enabled recalc timelines overnight). So it's not real-time. If a project you're dependent on blows it's timeline by a month at 9:00 am Wednesday, it won't show on your project until the next day. Barry Buchanan Work Management Australia


Level 7
"My understanding is these are only updated overnight (if you've enabled recalc timelines overnight). So it's not real-time. If a project you're dependent on blows it's timeline by a month at 9:00 am Wednesday, it won't show on your project until the next day." --- This was a frustration of ours, as well, but my understanding is that you can force the update by choosing 'Recalculate Timeline' from Project Actions on the project that is serving as the predecessor. This will do a manual push of the updated data into the successor. Mike Clark Healthgrades


Level 2
Mike, We create a MASTER Project and that project has tasks that are assigned to individuals. Those individuals receive the task and convert to a project. This newly created project is linked to the MASTER by setting up a cross project predecessor. In our instance, once the project associated with the task in the MASTER is closed, the task from the MASTER closes as well. Leslie Scott Kimberly-Clark Professional


Level 2
Leslie, This is an interesting concept. I tried it in the sandbox for my instance but when I converted the task to a project, the task was deleted from the MASTER project. This is the message I receive: Do you then go back and re-enter the task in the MASTER project and then add the cross-project predecessor? I wish it would act the same as when you convert an issue into a project. That issue remains and has "This issue resolved by [name of project]" Then when the project is completed, the issue status changes to closed/resolved automatically. With the cross-project predecessor option, you still have to manually mark the task on the MASTER project. If I am not correct, can you please let me know where I am going wrong. This would be an enormous help if we could convert tasks form a master project that were resolved by other projects. Power to the community. Joe Benes Brighthouse Financial Charlotte, NC


Level 3
There is a lot of discussion going on this, but then stopped late 2017. The last post talked about converting tasks from a master project. My experience is that the task from the master project was deleted. I'm also curious as to how Leslie got this to work. I have two users requesting to have sub projects. Thank you, Michael Schutte Odw Logistics, Inc.


Level 10
There is an idea on the exchange for Parent/Child projects which is under consideration by Workfront. I am also aware of some work being done by a Workfront partner in this space that could be ready by the end of this year. Michael Lebowitz WorkFront System Administrator Product Development and Business Operations Michael.Lebowitz@guidewellconnect.com T 904-436-4240 | M 904-200-1364 Fax 904-565-6156 4800 Deerwood Campus Pkwy Jacksonville, FL 32246