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Limiting Row Heights on Reports


Level 1
Hi Kirsten, One thing I can think of is that you could create a custom column in text mode that limits the length of the strings. Then, to Narayan's point, have a view that allows you to edit the fields versus view these limited strings. Think: SUBSTR({string},number of start position, length of string) The other approach could be to build the custom data into more of a form style of shared columns (data sheet style) that would allow the text to wrap into more of a paragraph. An example of this is here: "https://one.workfront.com/s/question/0D50z00006Px4DqCAJ/" class="" https://one.workfront.com/s/question/0D50z00006Px4DqCAJ/ Hope this helps. Dale Whitchurch
5 Replies


Level 10
Hi Robert, the only way I know of to limit the number of results is to put the report on a dashboard and then, under report settings, indicate how many rows you want loaded when the dashboard loads. (15, 50, 100, 200). However, my preference is to instead limit the number of characters pulled back in the column. You can do this with a value expression, as seen in the ""https://wf-pro.com/textmode/text-mode-views/#shortened-description">Shortened Description " example on the WFPro site.


Level 6
I have a custom view that truncates the description of things (for us, that can sometimes make a single row very, very big). To do this, select the field(s) that can get big (such as description ), switch to Text Mode, and add a valueexpression similar to this: valueexpression=IF(LEN({description}) > 55, LEFT({description}, 50) + ' .....', {description}) If the description is over 55 characters, this will truncate the description to 50 characters and add ..... after it (to indicate it's been truncated). Here is a full example for my description field: descriptionkey=description linkedname=direct listsort=string(description) namekey=description.abbr querysort=description section=0 shortview=false stretch=70 textmode=true valueexpression=IF(LEN({description}) > 60, LEFT({description}, 50) + ' .....', {description}) valuefield=description valueformat=HTML width=200 Sean


Level 8
Hey @Sean Sanders , @Narayan Raum Is is possible to do this while still being able to inline edit the field? We have a custom field called "Status Update" that we want users to be able to inline edit, while also limiting how much text is returned so that our rows aren't huge. Any ideas? Thanks! Kirsten Heikkinen


Level 10
Hi Kirsten, unfortunately, you don't have the ability to limit the characters and retain in-line edit that I'm aware of. However, you can always have a second "inline-edit" view that users can flip to to change data as needed. It's more of an on-demand approach but keeps the view clean and controlled.


Level 3
Hi Kirsten, One thing I can think of is that you could create a custom column in text mode that limits the length of the strings. Then, to Narayan's point, have a view that allows you to edit the fields versus view these limited strings. Think: SUBSTR({string},number of start position, length of string) The other approach could be to build the custom data into more of a form style of shared columns (data sheet style) that would allow the text to wrap into more of a paragraph. An example of this is here: "https://community.workfront.com/discussions/community-home/digestviewer/viewthread?MessageKey=722445d0-1c98-42af-8621-c0a58768497e&CommunityKey=aaafaff0-5e4e-4e38-8903-f1f990935567&tab=digestviewer#bm722445d0-1c98-42af-8621-c0a58768497e" class="" https://community.workfront.com/discussions/community-home/digestviewer/viewthread?MessageKey=722445... Hope this helps. Dale Whitchurch