Hi @Heather Ternet‚ - the dates Workfront displays in the browser (and on the exports from it) are based on your computer's timezone. If your colleague wants to export the reports based on (e.g.) New York time then they will have to go into their PC/Mac timezone settings and change the timezone there, then reload the report page in the browser and the times/dates will have adjusted to be based on New York time.
In the past when I dealt with various timezones more often I actually had scripted a bunch of shortcuts on my desktop to change the time to various timezones, to make the switching process easier.
Way back I created an Idea Exchange request for a setting/switch feature for Workfront to display dates/times based on either the user's local timezone or the Project's timezone. I still think this would be really useful...
Thanks @Kyna Baker - inactive‚ for the prod...there's still lots more nuance with timezones in other areas of Workfront....happy to help out!
David Cornwell