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Job Number Formula help


Level 5

Hello! We have a calculated field in our instance to calculate a job number ID that a team uses within their process - the field as it is programmed is:

CONCAT(YEAR(Planned Start Date),IF(MONTH(Planned Start Date)<"10",CONCAT("0",MONTH(Planned Start Date)),MONTH(Planned Start Date)),Reference Number)

We now would want the job ID to pull the entry date of the project rather than the planned start date - in cases where we're converting a request to a project in April but not starting work until May - we would need the Job ID to reflect April, not May. I thought I could just copy/paste the above formula and replace "Planned Start Date" with "Entry Date" but am getting an "N/A" in the field - I then tried a field called "Converted Request Entry Date" (not sure what this one is but thought it could work as the date we convert a request into a project). I still get "N/A" in the field.

Any nuggets of insight for where we are going wrong with this calculation?

Thanks for your help!


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1 Reply


Community Advisor

your calculation (Entry Date) appears to be working fine. Did you maybe forget to check the box that says "Update Previous Calculations" (it's at the bottom when you click on the calculated field to change the formula.)?