Hi Andy, I'm glad you now understand that calculated fields on custom forms aren't dynamic. In fact, if you bulk edit 2 or more issues, tasks, or projects from a list and scroll all the way to the end of the screen, you'll find a "Recalculate Custom Expressions" checkbox, which can be used to force the calculations to update. All other edits to the records will also trigger an update. However, when attempting to track if things are "Past Due", you don't want to have to bulk edit and recalculate every time get the latest. So, I suggest you use a valueexpression in the view to determine if the task is "Past Due". Here's an example where we add a column to the view... IF Actual Completion Date is blank (the task is still open) AND Planned Completion Date < NOW (past due), render "Past Due", otherwise render "On Time" valueformat=HTML valueexpression=IF(ISBLANK({actualCompletionDate})&&{plannedCompletionDate}<$$NOW,"Past Due","On Time") displayname=Past Due/On Time Please let us know how this works out. Thanks, Narayan