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Issue Report Entered By Name is Blank


Level 2

I created a report to list certain request issues that includes a column for entered by name. I have a handful of results where that column is blank. When I go into the issue details the entered by column says N/A. Any idea what's happening there? How is this possible -- obviously, someone entered the request.

11 Replies


Community Advisor

is it possible that the user who originally submitted the request was deleted?


Level 2

Possible, but highly unlikely.


Community Advisor

what is the first name (the name at the bottom) on your system updates page?


Level 2


I really would seem like the user was deleted. But I have no idea how. We deactivate users, rather than delete.


Community Advisor

I did that one time (delete someone I was trying to deactivate). The two options are right next to each other and they both throw up one popup as a warning. So you just need to be distracted enough to get all the way through the delete process. I still have dreams about it (or nightmares? who knows).


Level 2

I imagine that's possible. And if that's the case, I have to assume I was moving way too fast as you get that "do you really want to do this" type of popup. I'll have to do some digging to see if anyone else involved in the project knows who originally submitted those requests.


Community Advisor

If your users are a chatty bunch, see if they tagged that user in an upstream comment (workfront saves the whole name as part of the comment when they get @'d". Or if the user's name is mentioned in a comment.


Level 2

I did start looking for that, but have only had a chance to get through a few of them so far.


Community Advisor

Have you verified what is in the issue/request fields directly?





Level 2

I did. I misspoke in my original question. Where I said the column says N/A, I meant field (in the issue details).


Level 2