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Is there a way via API to activate/deactivate email notification?


Level 10
I want to do some document approval clean up and I would put this on a schedule at night. Currently, it would mean all my users with those document approvals will be notified via email that some thing has changed in their document approval and it's highly possible that there would be hundreds of documents per user that would be affected. So... I'm trying to avoid them seeing the spam apocalypse the next day. Is there a way to deactivate/activate email notifications via API? Polly Co

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4 Replies


Level 10
Hi Polly, We're doing another Workfront Merge this week, and I was just explaining something similar to avoid spamming folks as we automatically reconstruct years worth of Projects, Tasks, Issues and Assignments. The easiest way I've found to suspend such email is to temporarily set the email server to something else (e.g. FAKE_MAIL_SERVER), which effectively swallows and discards any such email alerts. We do so manually, but I suspect if you do some digging around through api-unsupported, you'll find it. Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore Got Skills? Lend a hand! https://community.workfront.com/participate/unanswered-threads


Level 10
I've never used api-unsupported -> how do you use it? I may have found something popAccount but I don't understand how to call this? Polly Co


Level 10
Ahhh! Well then buckle up, Polly! The api-unsupported is just like api, but, well, unsupported. But it's also where lots of the magic lives. To use it: open Chrome and log in to yourdomain.my.workfront.com install JSONView (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/jsonview/chklaanhfefbnpoihckbnefhakgolnmc?hl=en) or something like it as a Chrome plugin, which will format the responses from the api in a more friendly fashion in the url of your browser, type https://yourdomain.my.workfront.com/attask/api-unsupported/metadata that will bring back ALL of the Workfront objects (even the new ones, and the secret ones) use ctrl-f to search the page for terms of interest (e.g. "email") click into the links to learn more about what's possible with the objects Happy hunting, and have fun! Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore Got Skills? Lend a hand! https://community.workfront.com/participate/unanswered-threads


Level 10
Well, that's interesting - however, I may still be misunderstanding the email data. The only field available for the email is objCode. What are the values for objCode? Polly Co