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Is there a way to create a recurring project rather than just a task?


Level 1

Is there a way to create a recurring project? I am aware that we can create a recurring task on a project, but our team has some projects that would be awesome to put in on a recurring basis. A few examples would be updating marketing messages on different deliverables on a monthly and quarterly basis. There are a few things that we review on an annual basis that would be helpful too! I have project templates built out for a lot of these but it's still time consuming to create new projects for them every time or even copy them. I'd love to be able to set up something that just creates a scheduled recurrence! 

3 Replies


Community Advisor

Do you have fusion? This would be a great case to create projects for the year quickly


Level 1

Hi Kimberly! 


We do not have Fusion at this point. We're working on getting it integrated eventually though! I was just hopeful there was a way to make it happen in the standard Workfront instance.


Community Advisor


Hi @KSuarez8,


While you're working towards getting Fusion, I invite you to consider this "Multi Copy" derivative of our UberCalc solution which struck me as similar to the requirements you're describing, and I'd be happy to chat further via doug.denhoed@atappstore.com.




