Hi WF Community,
Does anyone know if it's possible to create a calculated aggregate using a custom column within a report view, or can you only use the aggregate function (text mode) on standard fields when creating a custom column in a report?
For example, I have a custom calculated column in an Hours report that does the following:
- Custom Field A (Target Client Billable %) multiplied by 40 (hrs per week) = X
- Sum hours for user A divided by X (result of above calc) = Y
I want to aggregate this calculated custom column up to the grouping level so I can see a value by the hour Owner grouping. See attached screenshot of what I have right now (no aggregate)
Here is my text mode code that isn't aggregating:
aggregator.valueexpression=({hours}/({owner}.{DE:Target Client Billable %}*40)
displayname=% of Goal Client Billable
valueexpression=CONCAT({hours}/({owner}.{DE:Target Client Billable %}*40),"%")