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Is anyone else having an issue with old (approved) proofs randomly appearing in your approval list?


Level 3
Is anyone else having an issue with old proofs randomly appearing in your approval list? (Image attached) We all of the sudden had old proofs appear that we had marked Approved with Changes. Some people now have dozens of unnecessary proofs in their list that are above legitimate approvals. And since you can't sort by date, the scrolling game is strong. We've submitted tickets and talked to WF, but we have yet to find a solution other than manually removing each person or having them manually make final decisions on each proof. Also, we're curious why the old proofs have the updated proof options (Go to Proof vs decisions in approval view) and the newer proofs still have the older options. Is anyone else experiencing this?
3 Replies


Level 10
We did experience this, last week. We went from 1000 pending proofs to 8000 overnight. Our issue stemmed from an unannounced fix they pushed to PROD last wednesday evening, which moved all pending proofs into the Approvals. When they first released this to R1, it was just proofs like a week old, then they 'fixed' it but it also added proofs that weren't in active stages yet. They ran a script on our instance, to close out proofs that were on completed projects to remove a bunch of the old ones.


Level 10
The "updated proof options" you mention below are because those people were added (automatically) to the proofHQ "automated workflow". The look that you are used to, is what happens when you add those people as an approver to the file using Workfront's approval line. The "fix" that occurred was Workfront consolidating the proofHQ automated workflow requests and putting them in the same place that the approval line requests are put: in your My Approvals area. Along with manually removing the proofs from the people, you might have to go into your proofHQ account and make sure no one is given a role as an Approver unless you are using proofHQ automated workflow, AND you want them to approve via proofHQ's automated workflow.


Level 2
HI Mary- We had the same issue after the last release. I submitted a ticket to have it fixed and was told the same as you- just go in and manually "approve" to get them out of the queues, but since that was going to take hours, I got in touch with my Account Rep and he elevated it to the next level of support. They were able to fix quite a few but other people were still contacting me with the issue (and apparently quite a few companies were having this same issue). From what I understand, the development team at WF has come up with some code that they can run on your instance to pull down any approval requests from any project marked Complete or Dead. If you are still facing the problem, try submitting a new Support Ticket to request that they run the code on your instance as well. Lynn