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Is a task report with incline editable project information possible?


Level 8

One of my user's biggest complaints is that they can't update all their tasks and projects in the same place. Is this even possible on some kind of report? I can get project information on a task report, but it's not in-line editable. Help? Essentially I want the built-in projects report with the option to view the associated tasks under each project.


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2 Replies


Level 10

Hi - For collections and references, you can't inline edit currently. :(

Have you tried a dashboard with task and project reports?

We use a custom hot sheet (Thanks AtApp!) and I have a Hot Sheet Updater which is a dashboard if a project report for them to easily edit all of their project info and then a task report that allows them to edit all the task info for the portfolio. It is very helpful to our Project Managers.


Level 8

I haven't because they're still updating in two separate places. It's not a ton different compared to the home and projects page, but I'll try it and see what they think.