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Inline editing of status updates


Level 1
Hi Everyone, My organization is getting situated with Workfront and I've run into an item that's been causing me a bit of trouble. We are trying to use the Status Update feature to track updates on project calls, but opening each individual task, entering an update, saving, and then going back to the task view is a little cumbersome for large plans. I was hoping that if I added the status update field to my task view I would be able to make the updates on the page, but this does not seem to be the case: Is anyone aware of a way to make quicker updates, preferably without losing my place on the plan? Thank you! Michael Mahony
9 Replies


Level 10
Try adding to your column on text mode. makeFieldEditable=true Polly Co


Level 10
OR: inInlineEditable=true Dagmara Garwell BAKKAVOR LTD


Level 10
Hi - So, for the report, you won't be able to use the Status Update field. That field isn't all status updates, it only shows the last status that the project owner created. Normally, in reports, I use the Last Note field so I can see the last thing that anyone wrote. One thing we did was create a custom field on a task custom form called "Brief Status/Summary" and I selected the option to show any changes in the Update stream. That way, people can update status and there is at least a record of it in the audit stream. However, we only tell them to do this if it is info that doesn't need people tagged. If it is a question or if someone needs to be tagged, I've recommend they select the check box next to the task and hit the Edit button. All the way at the bottom (or Comment on the left nav) let's you do an update and tag someone in the pop-up window so you don't lose your place in the project schedule. Also, if you need to do the same update on a few tasks, you can bulk edit. (I use this more for my issues in our Help Desk queue, but it would work with tasks too). I have heard a rumor that part of the new interface redesign they are working on is the ability to have task info and update show on the project level. I saw an early idea a few months ago, and I think you might like what they did. It might be great to ask your CSM if they can connect you to a product person so you can be in a feedback session. ;) Hope that was helpful Anthony Imgrund FCB


Level 7
Hi Michael, Great answers here already, and Anthony has some fabulous information. In regards to the original question, Status Update is a field that pulls the last update made by the owner of that object. We also do not currently allow editing of updates, which is why you can't add the updates tab in as a field on a view and inline edit it. However, a little birdy told me a rumor that we are looking at revamping this.. no clue what we're doing or when, but it's something we are researching. I do like Anthony's suggestion of a custom field that is tracked via the updates stream, one of the customers I support directly does this, and it seems to work out very well for them. Note the limit of 2000 characters there, vs the update stream box's 4000 character limit. Thanks! Dustin Martin Assigned Support Engineer Workfront


Level 1
Thanks, everyone, I appreciate the feedback and insight. It looks like we might need to rethink the way we are capturing our status updates, as we are looking for something that is a bit more editable on the fly when we work out of the project plan in meetings. Thanks again everyone for the advice, and I will keep an eye out for future updates. Michael Mahony


Level 6
Hi @Dustin Martin ! I came across this thread today while trying to find a way to inline edit Updates on a task report. Is that functionality still unavailable? Looks like it's been awhile since you posted this comment, so I wanted to check. :) Thank you! Maddy Martin


Level 7
Hi Maddy, Nothing yet, but it's still something we're considering. Right now we're focusing on the New Workfront Experience. The update stream hasn't had many changes in the nearly 6.5+ years I've been here, but we did add in RTF not all that long ago (or so it seems to me..!) so we are working on things. I'd suggest the Idea Exchange, as the more folks that vote, the more visibility it brings to our teams. :) Dustin Martin Assigned Support Engineer Workfront


Level 6
Thanks so much for the quick reply! I'll check out the IE and post an idea if there's not one there already. :) Maddy Martin


Level 2
Hey Michael, This is a ghost I've been chasing for a long time to just run a meeting with status updates out of WF without the amount of clicks and process to go through. In the new WF Experience, for the Task level, there is an option now for Open Summary. With that, I can setup my views / filters / groupings to show me the items we should be discussing (some situations I need to create custom fields to pull specific items) and then with the open summary, a pane opens on the right and I can immediate add updated status, tag people, book hours, complete it, etc. I don't think this feature is available at the Issue level unfortunately but it would be great if it did. Not sure why they add it for that because it's a great feature that for me works well. For what you're describing above, for the items that people have mentioned in this thread works. I've also heard of others who have custom text fields and then use an API to bring the info into the updated status section but making the required field show in updates should do the trick as a workaround. Tim Greek, PMP IEHP