Hi Nick, A few thoughts on this one.. Although I appreciate this isn't what you're asking, for those who are looking to update standard Workfront objects (e.g. Companies, Portfolios, Programs, Projects, Tasks, Issues, Expenses, Users and Hours) I invite you to consider our "https://store.atappstore.com/product/excel-updater/" Excel Updater solution, which does support updates (as well as inserts) to existing objects, including custom data . As for your situation, provided (if I'm following) the Parameter to which you'd like to add some new Parameter Options has not been used anywhere yet, since Kickstarts can do inserts of Parameter Options, I'd suggest you simply delete the Parameter (or rename it, if you're nervous), then (re)create it using a Kickstart with the full set of Parameter options. Alternatively (if I'm not following, and the parameter in question is already in use via some other custom form), you could combine the concepts as follows:
rename the Existing Parameter to Old Parameter
kickstart in the Existing Parameter (with the full set of Parameter Options)
add the (new and improved) Existing Parameter beside the Old Parameter on each Custom Form in which the latter appears
use our Excel Updater to update the Existing Parameter to match the Old Parameter on all existing data that uses the Custom Form(s)
double-check that all is well (by running the Excel Updater a second time, and/or checking manually)
drop the Old Parameter
Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore