We are attempting to import approx. 10,000 closed projects for historical reporting purposes. We added a summary task with Actual Start and Actual Completion dates identical to the Project Actual Start and Actual Completion dates. The project and task status are marked 'Complete' and the task is set to 100% complete.
Workfront gives us an error stating "Unable to complete operation for a project of status Complete". Is there a way around this?
Thanks for any suggestions you might be able to offer!
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We recently did a similar import, but leveraged Adobe PS to help with the process. They have some scripts that made it easier, though we had to get the data into the needed format.
The process is to (1) import with the project in some kind of open state like PLN or ONH, (2) import your tasks, hours, etc., and then (3) close the project by changing the status to CPL. It's just a sequencing thing to make it happen appropriately.
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Thank you for responding! Quick question: when you marked them closed, were you able to do so at their actual closed date? We're trying to get correct open/close dates. Thanks!
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IIRC, you can set the open date, but the closed date is determined automagically by the latest task on the project. We spent a long time figuring out how to set this appropriately in our data mapping files. (I think this was also due to how we set the projects up.)
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So that I'm clear:
Is this the correct ballpark? Again, thanks so much!
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I have a custom status for projects, tasks, and issues called "Admin Maintenance" for this sort of scenario. it's a really good way to tag things so I can find them all later.
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Thank you, Randy. And what is the actual status of Admin Maintenance, "current"? Thanks!
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I have mine set to Planning so it doesn't send out notices everytime something gets changed, but you cout it to Active or Planning depending on the circumstances. You could even change it with each use if you wanted.
Great idea! Thank you!!
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is it possible to get around this by changing your life after death settings located in your Setup area? I think one of the project preferences was to allow tasks to be added?
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The specific error we're receiving is that you cannot import a closed project. I'm not sure, but we can try. Thanks!!
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