You should be able to use ' IN ' for this. IF(IN({status}, "status1", "status2"), "Has the status you're looking for", "This is not the status you're looking for") or I suppose IFIN would be even more concise. The last two arguments are the true and false expressions, so you can keep adding statuses to check in the middle. IFIN({status}, "status1", "status2", "It's status 1 or 2", "It's not either status1 or status 2") IFIN({status}, "status1", "status2", "status3", "status4", It's status 1-4", "It's not the status you're looking for") Another way you could do it (though I'd say IFIN is cleaner) is with more traditional programming logic (using || for OR or && for AND ): IF({status} = "CUR" || {status} = "QUE", "Project is Current OR Queue", "NOT Current/Queue") Sean