I need help with a calculation, and I'm sure I'm missing something obvious.
I have a calculated field to determine the difference between a custom date field and the project planned completion date:
WEEKDAYDIFF({plannedCompletionDate}, (ADDWEEKDAYS({DE:First Offer Date},-15))).
I included the field in a report and added conditional formatting for it (>=0 [Green]; >=-5 [Yellow]; <-5 [Red]). This works fine.
Solved! Go to Solution.
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Unless I miss my guess, "workminutesdiff" will never give you a negative result. If you want to use it, my guess is that you should find some way to artificially place one outside of the workminutes part of the equation (i.e. if first offer date minus 15 is > planned completion date, "-", then the workminutes calculation).
Unless I miss my guess, "workminutesdiff" will never give you a negative result. If you want to use it, my guess is that you should find some way to artificially place one outside of the workminutes part of the equation (i.e. if first offer date minus 15 is > planned completion date, "-", then the workminutes calculation).
Ah... good point (didn't think about that).
Pity the WEEKDAYDIFF function doesn't incorporate the default schedule (with exceptions) like WORKMINUTESDIFF does.
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