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Hyphenated last names in Workfront using Okta


Level 2
Have you seen login success or trouble with a User's hyphenated last name in Workfront using Okta? DETAILS: We have one user in our organization with a hyphenated last name, as in "Smith-Jones." We use Okta as our SSO provider We built the Workfront login for our Hyphenated User as "mary smith-jones@workfront.com" However, each time the Hyphenated User logs in, a secondary login is auto-created in Workfront. We de-activated and deleted the secondary login, and when the Hyphenated User logged in again, the secondary login is created, again. SYMPTOMS Okta has the Hyphenated User's Email address as all lower case: "mary_smith-jones@workfront.com" The Okta-created, secondary login is created with mixed case: "Mary_Smith-Jones@workfront.com" Also, Workfront's User.Last.Name field is auto-populated by Okta with only the second half of the hyphenated last name, "Jones" Anyone else seen this action? Thanks for your help! Pat Harrell Seed Company
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