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Automate a task status change to "Complete" when Approvals are completed


Level 1
Hello, Is there a way you can automate a task status to change to "Complete" once the Approvers on that task have completed their Approvals? I'm hoping to avoid having the task owner manually change the status of the task from "In Progress" to "Complete". Thanks, Oli Oli Ononye Method Products
1 Reply


Level 10
Hi Oli, If you setup your approval process to start when the status of the task is set to "Complete", then clicking said status won't actually close the task. Instead, it's considered active and doesn't get tagged with the actual completion date until the final approval stage is met. By the way, when you set it up like this, the status label in the menu will change from "Complete" to "Complete - Pending Approval" when you're ready to kick off the approval. Additionally, if you want to view those tasks or issues pending approval in a report, you can add this filter in text mode: currentApprovalStepID_Mod=notblank Thanks, Narayan Narayan Raum Workfront Delivery Lead - SunTrust Bank https://wf-pro.com for Text Mode & Solutions