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How to track how often someone is tagged in updates or makes updates


Level 1

I'd like to make a report that shows all the updates a particular person was tagged in for the last 3 months (or prompts for time and person). Also, I'd like to make a report that shows all the updates a particular person made in the last 3 months. All the posts I've seen about this are older and mention "note reports", which I don't see as an option when I go to make a new report.

5 Replies


Community Advisor


You're correct, a Note report is the way to gather this data and has the fields you're looking for where you can filter by timeframes and owner of the note.  If you don't see choices to create new reports under the Reporting icon its possible your admin has restricted your access to be able to create reports; you may only have ability to view reports already created and you may need to connect with them for access.


Level 1

Report Options.pngKurt,

Thanks for the reply. I am the admin, and I make project, task, etc. reports as needed. But when I go to the New Reports dropdown, I only have options for project, task, hour, request, and user reports. I don't see "Notes" as an option...and never mind, there is a scroll bar so there are more options and they include "Note". Oops.

So, I've never made a Notes report before. How would I make a report to list a persons updates made over the last quarter? Or list the updates they were tagged in over that time period? I'm not familiar with what "note" is, as an object - is it just a synonym for update or is it something more?



Level 1

I figured it out. For anyone else doing this for the first time, use "owner ID" to get the person who posted the update, not "user ID". Not sure what User ID refers to but it didn't pull anything.


Level 1

Hi Kurt,

What would be the column name to capture who was tagged in each note? I tried searching for things like "tag", "@", "Added", etc but I don't see anything that looks appropriate.



Community Advisor

mdeancherry, you can use the Note Text field to help.  As example, in your filter area you can set Note Text field, contains, @Kurt jones and then use EntryDate as another filter to set say for Last Quarter.  That should allow you to pull all last quarter notes that had @Kurt jones in them, in my example.  I hope this makes sense.  This is an older link but may be helpful that shows how to build a Notes search report, you don't necessary need to place in your panel as shown but you could use it to find notes from various users or with various keywords, @, #, in the notes text.  https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/workfront-blogs/gain-faster-collaboration-with-a-cu...

Hope this made sense.