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How to change format of entry date in calculated field


Level 4


I'm working on creating a custom project code that uses the entry date as part of it. I got this calculation to work

CONCAT((Entry Date),"-",Reference Number,"-",Queue Topic code)

but the formatting of the date came in with this format 11/2/21 and I need it to be just numbers without the back slashes and read 11221 or even better 110221. Does anyone know of a way to do this? The output currently looks like this:

11/2/21-123456-CC but I want 110221-123456-CC

I appreciate any help!




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4 Replies


Community Advisor

there's not a way to easily do this, so you'll just have to build one with the link I sent you yesterday: https://one.workfront.com/s/document-item?bundleId=the-new-workfront-experience&topicId=Content%2FRe...

In particular the YEAR, MONTH, DAYOFMONTH, and (probably) the RIGHT commands. You'll also probably need LEN if you can't let go of that starting zero, so I'll leave it up to you.


Level 4

Thank you again. I really appreciate your expertise! take care.


Level 2

Hi @Michelle McAnelly‚, where you able to come up with a way to add a leading zero before the month & day? 01, 02, etc.


Level 4
Hi, I was not able to find a solution yet but would love to find one! Thanks, Michelle Michelle McAnelly Productivity Manager. Investment Strategy M 612 209 2226 MMcAnelly@paraport.com PARAMETRIC | 3600 MINNESOTA DRIVE | SUITE 325 | MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55435 parametricportfolio.com<>