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How has Workfront transformed the way you work?


Level 5
What was life like before Workfront? (Siloed, disconnected, missed deadlines, delayed projects, etc.) How has Workfront helped you to be a more modern team? Alison Milbury Workfront Community Manager
2 Replies


Level 8
Workfront has helped our company tremendously! The issues we were facing before Workfront: Missed deadlines Documents that lived all over the place Ineffective internal review process Not able to see project data Hard to manage multiple projects Not sure if we were pricing projects accurately After we implemented Workfront, we've improved in the following areas: On time delivery First pass yield/ internal review process Customer satisfaction . Team collaboration Transparency into the data I'm sure I could add more items to both lists, but those are the big ones that come to mind. Jennifer Tanabe Director, Project Management Vertical Measures


Level 9
Workfront has changed the way my agency works in a number of ways. There are the little things like moving away from paper routing (including all of the scanning and emailing that usually goes along with it) and into a fully digital process. Gone are the days of being trapped in a mountain range of stacked folders ready to tip over at any second. Workfront Proof in particular has been instrumental in this effort, as well as reducing the number of rounds due to missed edits. As an organization, there has been a renewed sense of purpose in improving our processes and making the most of the data that operating in Workfront can provide. We've also begun to replace old tools and processes with Workfront to drive adoption of Workfront at all levels of our business and to make use of the tools Workfront provides. We are at the beginning stage of a sea change in how we manage our business and Workfront is both the catalyst and the means by which that change will take place. Anthony Pernice Healthcare Consultancy Group