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How do I embed a creative brief in a custom form for the requestor to download - is it just using a hyperlink in the Descriptive text field and linking to the creative brief in documents?


Level 3

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2 Replies



Hi Susan,

I'm a former customer (Creative PM), now an Adobe Workfront employee. We used the descriptive text field to link to the creative brief in our digital asset manager. I just tested adding a word doc to documents in a project. I was able to right click on the document name and "copy link address" to the document. When I paste into the browser, that appears to download the file, so I think that could work too but I'd test with another user to make sure there aren't any hiccups with your particular setup, permissions, or file type. 😊



Community Advisor

I can confirm that works. It's the same process to get the URL of an image to use in a report. Just make sure the URL starts with your Workfront URL and not an amazon aws URL.