Wish I had a more elegant answer than the truth: I come from a programming background (which helps), took the WF classes, kept some of the key downloaded PowerPoint decks as reference, poke around alot on my own, bang my head against the desk now and again, use the API Explorer, look through all the cool tricks our implementation specialist left behind, scour the help area, ask our WSA (and then check out their cool tricks), ask Support, ask for help here, then go home and pretend Workfront doesn't exist. ;-p Biggest problem I have is that despite being a Workfront SysAdmin could easily be a full-time job with everything there is to learn, it's really not the only responsibility I have in my position, so getting tricks to stick in my head and gaining that inbuilt holistic knowledge of Workfront has just proven to be impossible thus far. So...I muddle, professionally. ;-) Kevin Quosig