Reading though the "" rel="nofollow noreferrer">Workfront API documentation it seems to suggest that you can get report data:
Requesting a Report
You can perform a report request, where only the aggregate of some field is desired with one or more groupings. As shown in the following example, the report syntax is the same as the syntax for the SOAP API:
GET /attask/api/v9.0/hour/report?project:name_1_GroupBy=true&hours_AggFunc=sum
But this doesn't really make a lot of sense. For a start the URL hour/report seems to suggest that the report is somehow under "hour". But this seems to have no bearing on how the reports are structured in workfront. For example I have a report that has a URL:
This is located under Reports -> List of reports -> Report. It's not under anything.
The statement:
the report syntax is the same as the syntax for the SOAP API
Seems confusing too. What SOAP API? I can't see any reference to this anywhere else.
querying using the URL:
Gives me the report table object , not the data from within the report .
Tl;Dr I want to query the data out of a report. I have this reports id what REST url do I use to get this data?