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Hidden Entry Date Field in Custom Form


Level 1
Hello! Does anyone know how to capture entry date as a hidden field within a custom form? This form will be used to attach to a task within a project where I later want the actual entry date shown in a task report. Ideally I do not have the user submit the entry date with another visible custom field and instead it just captures when the form is attached to the task. Custom Form example: https://www.screencast.com/t/yDrLNO1kJ -- this is where I am trying to add a formula to calculate date but I am doing something wrong! Task Report Example: https://pubworx.attask-ondemand.com/report/view?ID=5943fedc001b94188f271de45ec7f21f -->Trying to populate 'Today Hidden' however it is needed. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks, Talia
4 Replies


Level 8
Hi Melissa, Just use $$TODAY to capture the date: [cid:image001.png@01D2E9A7.55989940] Do you want that date to stay the same though? Otherwise it will change every time the form is updated. If you want to lock it in, you’d have to do an ISBLANK type statement so it doesn’t change. I can figure out the code for that if that’s what you need. Adina ________________________________


Level 1
Thank you for helping me. I would want the date to stay the same from the time we adding a custom form to a task within the project. This would show how much lead team we are giving on a request to another team. If you can help with the coding for that, I would appreciate it. Also, how do I ensure the field is hidden so that it captures when the custom form submits but it is there for me to pull through into a task report but that the requestor doesn’t need to enter anything? Thanks again! Talia


Level 8
I’ve been thinking about it, and I don’t think there is a timestamp for when a custom form is added to a task, or maybe I’m misunderstanding. I also don’t know how to transfer a date from one object to another, so hopefully someone else has some ideas for you! Adina ________________________________


Level 10
Hi Talia. Continuing along Adina's line of logic, I suggest you: create a custom calculated date parameter called Custom Form Added add that parm to your form(s), possibly in an Admin Only section, to hide it save the form (so Workfront knows it is available on the form) edit the form set the formula to IF(ISBLANK(Custom Form Added),$$NOW,Custom Form Added) In this manner, when a Custom Form is added (e.g. Manually, or by typing in the first piece of data on the form via a list report, thereby associating the form automatically -- cool, but a bit dangerous), the formula will kick in, see that no value exists yet, and set the value to "now" -- essentially, a do it yourself audit field. Thereafter, on subsequent edits, because the initial now value exists, it will leave it alone, preserving it. Regards, Doug