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Help Please! Custom Form to Report


Level 2
Hi All, I need some guidance quickly please! I have several projects (12 to be exact) that have 1+ monthly measurements each. Our Sr. Mgmt wants us to track those in Workfront with a month over month calculation. Can this be done in Workfront? Some of the measurables are different, some of them the same. An example: Project Develop Expertise - Measurements are 1. Training Completion 100% 2. Employee Engagement Increases by 5% 3. Meet Membership Growth Goals 4. Meet Lending Goals 5. Meet Deposit Goals 6. Meet Referral Goals Should I create a custom form for each of the projects? I have to have something for them by Friday, need to know if this is even possible. @Doug Den Hoed perhaps this is something we can work through with you and your team? Thanks, D- Dawn McPherson TDECU

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2 Replies


Level 2
Hi Dawn, While Doug or others might have another solution, generally speaking Workfront doesn't support any kind of historical reporting or trending over time. One (semi-automated) way it can be done is by creating the custom form on the projects, then creating a report to capture the data, then updating the data as you go. You can have the report auto-send an excel file of the data to you on a monthly basis. Then you could compile the monthly snapshots and report on them in excel. This will let you see current data within Workfront, and report on trends over time outside of Workfront. Hope that helps! Cory Anderson Cisco Systems- Communication Services


Level 10
Hi Dawn, Yes: such periodic data capture is "http://store.atappstore.com/automatic-weekly-status-reporting/">possible , "http://store.atappstore.com/product/executive-status-report/">proven , and "http://store.atappstore.com/product/ubercalc/">automatable . Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore Got Skills? Lend a hand! https://community.workfront.com/participate/unanswered-threads