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Help on quickly entering project expense budget by month


Level 2

I am looking for a simple way to add expense budget by month for my projects. The business case section will work, but it requires so many steps to get there. Same thing with adding in the "Expense" section. I don't want to move back to Excel, but I can't spend hours on something that should take minutes. I am hopeful I am missing something obvious and there is an easier way!


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2 Replies


Level 10

Hi Cori,

I'm not sure if you're budgeting hours or expenses, but you might consider:

  • creating a single "Monthly Budget" task on your Workplan and change the User(s) Allocation as needed for each month (or weekly, or daily...likely too detailed) and then either use the Workload Balancer or run an Allocation Report by month to see those (time) budgets (To Hot?)
  • creating a separate "Month XX Budget" task for each Month (e.g. 01, 02, 03...allowing the project start to shift without having to rename these tasks) with the expected Hours and/or Expenses on each, then reporting similarly (Too Cold?)
  • creating custom data to track your budget at exactly the level you need -- e.g. monthly for you, but I've also done so at the YYYY or (custom) YYYYQ level -- and then create Workfront reports to show that budget information, and/or use our Budget to Actual solution to then compare that information against the actual hours and expenses as they come in, by YYYY, YYYYQ, or (in your case) YYYYMM, if that's where you're headed (Just Right?)

If you'd like more details on the latter, I invite you to email me at doug.denhoed@atappstore.com

