New to using Boards and am looking for some suggestions here – I am stumped!
We are currently dealing with 2 scenarios for our Video team’s board… With a key piece to keep mind, we must have it connected to Workfront so that we can have reporting around this work.
SCENARIO 1: Connected Cards are manually entered to the board once there has already been a project created. We connect to task(s) which generate individual cards for each video needed.
This displays the connected project on the face of the card that we can easily navigate to view the whole project, the assignees and status are synced, etc. PERFECT!

SCENARIO 2 (our problem child): Requests are submitted through our Video Request Form, which populate in our Backlog column. From here, we are converting this to a project. However, I cannot figure out how to be able to display that converted project as the connected project on the face of the card like scenario 1.. It just shows the name of the request queue project (Video Request Form).

I’m sure there is something I’m missing.. there MUST be a better way to handle.. Looking for any suggestions