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Help!! Anyone create a report that only pulls subtasks?


Level 4
Hello! I have a user who is looking for a report that will only pull the subtask for a particular parent task. I have tried a few options and nothing seems to work. Has anyone had any experience with this type of report? Thanks for your help!! Sana Perry National Heritage Academies, Inc.

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6 Replies


Level 10
Have you tried running a task report, and in the filter section put in "Parent Name" contains ? -skye


Level 4
Hi Skye, We have. The tricky part is our Parent task has parent tasks under it with children tasks it that makes sense... So we have a parent called backlog with other parent tasks (which would be the child task to backlog) and child tasks. We need to pull the backlog parent with all its parents and their child tasks. Sana Perry National Heritage Academies, Inc.


Level 10
You're trying to pull the child and grandchildren tasks from a parent? I wouldn't be able to do that without knowing something else about the children ... -skye


Level 8
Would something like this work:


Level 10
Hi Skye and Sana, So, if I'm following, here's the scenario, where you want the Special Child to find its parent Backlog Task and return the Special Child, the Backlog Task and all the other Backlog Children (and sub children) , but not the other Tasks : WBS Name 1 Task 1 2 Task 2 3 Backlog 3.1 Child A 3.2 Child B 3.2.1 Child B i 3.2.2 Child B ii 3.3 Special Child 3.4 Accidental Child 4 Task 4 Notice the WBS (Work Breakdown Structure): all of the information you want starts with the same top level value ("3" in my example). Perhaps you could devise a filter that matches on that WBS (e.g. CONTAINS "3."), but that would presume you know the WBS of the Backlog in advance (which might change over time as the Project structure changes)...next thing you know: tears flow / heads roll. Instead, I'd recommend you add custom data to the items in question (which you might already have) to make them easily identifiable (e.g. Backlog Item = True) and use that simpler approach. Regards, Doug P.S. During the Journey concert at LEAP last week, when @Vic Alejandro at last met in person, he mentioned that he's been offline from the community for a while due to some technical issues with his email; and so until he returns, I offer this keep-it-simple solution in his stead. #WWVD Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore Got Skills? Lend a hand! https://community.workfront.com/participate/unanswered-threads


Level 4
Thank you, Doug and Skye. Doug, you hit it right on the head. The user is hesitated about doing a naming convention as that will cause a change in process, but I am thinking that might be the only way to pull the parent and grandchildren. Sana Perry National Heritage Academies, Inc.