the PDF only provides and option to print the document (when we right click). But neither bring us to the proofing tool in the event we want to make edits nor provide an option to download the document when we need to email it to someone. The only way we can access the proofing tool is to link to the project, go to the documents tab and then search through several documents in the project to assure we are looking at the correct proof. Is this a glitch in the New Experience or am I missing something? Attached is an illustration of the Home notification for reference. I appreciate any help! Thanks
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Hi Kathleen,
From the screenshot this looks like the file was attached as a Document rather than a Proof and that is perhaps why you are not seeing what is expected.
I just checked my Home screen and if it is a proof for approval I can see 'Go to Proof' up where you are seeing Approve/Reject etc.
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