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Hello, is anyone having issues with Proof Approval Notifications?


Level 2

We noticed that approval notifications are not being received via email. This seems to be a case that started today. Send Email notification is checked, but the email notification doesn't reach our Outlook inboxes.


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4 Replies



Hi Jenny,

Anthony posted about something similar here... is this the same issue?


Thank you!



Level 2

It's similar, but these are new proofs and versions of proofs. I'll share this post with my team though. Thank you.


Level 6

Yes we are having the same issue. I replied to Anthony’s thread with our details.

We we have a support ticket in but the workaround is to have the proof creator go in to the workflow and choose to message all. That email is received by the first stage recipients. Hoping they have a fix soon.


Level 10

Same…brushed it off as a one-time glitch until I read this thread…then I put in a ticket and announced pre-emptively to the users.

HUGE issue for us…despite in-system notifications and a nice dashboard, most of the project manners, reviewers, and approvers lean on emails. And the custom message feature. :-(

I have a user right now who reported that adding annotations might be acting oddly in Proof, but I'm waiting for details. Anyone else?