We rolled out a relatively short poll to our users and wanted to see if anyone else has done this and what your results were. I attached our 4 question survey in the attachments in case anyone wants to see.
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Thanks for posting this Chloe. We haven't done a survey like this, but are looking to.
Q: was this sent to licensed and unlicensed users? I'm thinking we'd limit it to licensed for our survey.
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Hi James! We sent this to any user in the system who was active, so yes - it was sent to licensed and unlicensed users. We actually got a lot of great feedback about user experience (particularly in regard to navigation) from those unlicensed users, so it became clear to us that we probably need a more robust training/refresher for them since they seem to be struggling more than our daily users.
If you (or anyone else reading this) wants to do a survey, but you're not sure what platform to use, we used Microsoft Forms and I'm so glad we did. Here's why:
We had the form restricted to "People within our organization" which required users to be logged into their O365 account before they could access the survey. Because of this, we didn't need to ask them to provide their role information, email address, name, or anything like that - we could just get right into the questions. Microsoft Forms passed along their email address with their responses on the backend, so we were able to take the responses into Excel and match it against our Workfront user list. We managed to extract some valuable user data without making the questionnaire lengthy - like the user's role, # of Workfront logins, the date that they became active in the system, etc.
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Thanks Chloe, and great additional tip to use Microsoft Forms!
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Maybe I am a pessimist but I feel like 10% is about the average, unless your leadership got behind it. We get a high rate in our "employee survey" -- not the workfront one, but the company one, and this is because our leadership team gets statistics on how many people have answered, and then our managers get in on encouraging us to take the time and answer. If you're just sending the survey out through the announcements center for example, and people already auto-file those emails to the special folder in Outlook that deals with junk mail (sorry), then your email hasn't been prioritized properly.
Additionally... whenever I see that kind of question (would you recommend to a colleague or a friend) -- my mind flashes back to this screenshot.
That's a pretty funny screenshot.
That being said, I can tell you with certainty, it's all about executive support.
Few will do anything if they don't feel they have to and that includes using and talking about Workfront.
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Maybe a better way in the future for Chloe to ask that question would be "can you suggest other teams in our company who might benefit from using Workfront?". Sometimes this encourages people to realize that they can potentially add their downstream/upstream cross-functional partners into Workfront.
PS: One more thought. Is it possible that people are abstaining from voting because they feel like the survey is not anonymous?
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Skye - that screenshot was great. Yeah, we were definitely missing the executive support on the survey, so I'm pretty shocked we even got the response we did. My initial goal was to get 5% of people to respond, so I was thrilled with 19%, but I was humbled when our survey team said 25% should've been the minimum. LOL.
Anyway, yeah, I think it's possible that the lack of anonymity deterred people from responding, but we really wanted to have the user data to help understand is there were specific roles that were struggling more than others, so we weren't willing to sacrifice that.
I guess with a low NPS, it just gives us a lot of opportunity to improve!
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Hi Chloe!
Workfront researcher here. A 19% response rate is actually quite good for a survey! If you would be interested in sharing your results, I think it could be really cool to do a case study on Caesars and possibly replicate the survey you've made for other customers.
Feel free to reach out to me about this if you're interested! lauber@adobe.com
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We did our first Workfront user survey a few months ago -- we started using Workfront in July 2020. We sent to all of our licensed users as well as everyone who submitted a request. Response rate among licensed users was 46%. We kept the survey open for a couple of weeks and leadership stressed the importance of completing the survey to the various teams. We plan to run another survey after the holidays (about 6 months after the first survey) so we can see if we've moved the needle any with some of the improvements we've made to the user experience.
We asked a lot of questions, with some questions to role. We had all respondents identify as requester, approver, project contributor, project manager, leadership or other. They could select up to 3 roles. So someone who was a project manager had a set of questions specific to that role. And then there were many questions that everyone answered. If this is beneficial for others putting together a survey, here are the areas we covered:
Satisfaction with the request process
Whether someone from our team got back to them within 2 business days after submission
How could we improve the submission process
Locating your proofs
Proof notifications
Proof turnaround time
How could we improve the process of reviewing and approving proofs
Time Tracking
How frequently do people log time
Do you use the Percent Complete bar for tasks that have a duration of 2+ days
Project Communication
Do you utilize the Updates section or does project communication happen more in Teams or email
Training and Support
Satisfaction with support provided
Satisfaction with training for new employees
Overall Satisfaction
Does Workfront save you time
Does Workfront make your job easier
Hope this helps! I know we came here to get ideas before we put together our first survey. Btw, we used Qualtrics for the survey. You can reach out to me directly at weaverst@purdue.edu if you want to discuss in more detail.