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Handling Missing Persons on Org Charts in Workfront


Level 3
Happy Friday all! I've been cleaning up our organizational architecture in Workfront for the past couple weeks, making sure it aligns with our real org structure, and it has become apparent that there are holes in our version of the Workfront org chart due to some users having no need of a Workfront license (for various reasons). The tricky situation is particularly prominent the further up the chain you go, as executives typically won't be in the weeds looking at Workfront projects, and have thus, never need an account. The thing is, our administrative team would like to make sure our org chart in Workfront is as accurate and robust as possible, which is difficult to achieve if there are missing branches on the tree, (or missing sections of the trunk, as the case may be). My idea at the moment is to create Reviewer license accounts for the missing execs and turn off all email notifications to them, so they will not even know the account exists, and I can still craft an accurate chart. Some of the challenges I considered regarding this approach include the possibility that people may try to tag the execs on important messages and those messages will never be received (meanwhile, the person who wrote the message may think the information was conveyed and go about their business), and also the idea that even with notifications turned off completely, they may still receive system announcements (this one, admittedly, I need to research to confirm/deny the possibility of). Has anyone here dealt with this situation before? Any glaring holes I may have overlooked with my potential plan above? Much thanks in advance :) Mike Perez Tailored Brands
1 Reply


Level 10
Hi Mike, To help reduce unexpected emails and prevent access to exec assumptions, I'd suggest you use bogus emails (eg sandra.wangNOTMONITORED@ourco.com) and parenthetic last names (eg First Name = "Sandra", Last Name = "Wang (Not Monitored)"), respectively. Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore Got Skills? Lend a hand! https://community.workfront.com/participate/unanswered-threads