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Grouping By Priority


Level 8
Hi Community, Does anyone know if it's possible to group by priority in descending order? It looks like the only way I can do this is if the priority is a column within my report, but I don't want the column and the grouping, I just want the grouping. Here's how it displays with the priority column in the report and the grouping Here's how it displays without the priority column in the report, just the grouping. Thanks! Sydney Sydney Peterson Diversified Communications, Inc.

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8 Replies


Level 10
Hi Sydney, If you'd like to sort by a column that is not showing, go into one of the columns you already have (i.e. Status) and switch it to text mode. Look for the line querysort. Remove "status" and replace it with "priority". Then at the bottom of the code add... sortOrder=1 sortType=desc That will sort your task by priority so your groupings will be in order without you having to show a field a the report. Hope that helps. Anthony Imgrund FCB


Level 8
Hi Anthony, Thank you for providing the steps / text mode to group in order of priority. It's the little things that go a long way with reporting. Not to mention, I get really excited when my text mode edits actually work! Thanks again, Sydney Sydney Peterson Diversified Communications, Inc.


Level 8
Hi Anthony, So I actually have a follow-up on this. Do you happen to know if there's a way to group tasks (within the tasks tab of a project) so that it doesn't break the parent-child relationship of tasks and sub-tasks? Thanks! Sydney Peterson Diversified Communications, Inc.


Level 10
This happens to my project managers all the time. When looking at the task list inside a project, you need to sort by the task number to see the parent/child relationship, indent/outdent, and do the insert above/below functionality. So just double check that you see an up or down arrow next to the # sign. (Also know that you have to show all tasks and can't have any groupings either) Anthony Imgrund FCB


Level 8
Sorry, Anthony! (and thank you for your time) but I don't think I was clear in my last post. I meant to say can I (using text mode somehow) group tasks on a project by priority without breaking the parent-child relationship of the tasks and sub-tasks? If not, is there a way to still see where / what the parent tasks are when grouping by priority or some other workaround you might know of? Thanks again, I really appreciate your responses! -Sydney Sydney Peterson Diversified Communications, Inc.


Level 10
Yeah, unfortunately once you change the sort or add a grouping you lose that Parent-Child relationship you see when you sort by task number and no groupings. There are a few options you can do: 1 - Grouping by Parent Name You can add a second level grouping to your report for Parent Name. This is an out-of-the-box option so you don't even have to mess with the code. The downside to this approach is that if there is no parent, you get a No Value grouping. (Side Note: You might want to add the filter than of Number of Children equals 0 so that you don't have parent tasks showing up in the report itself since you are not grouping them) 2 - Add Parent Name as a column in the report In the columns for the report you can add Parent Name. Again, this is out-of-the-box so there isn't a need for text mode. The downside for this is that it takes up real estate on your report. 3 - Combined field options If you are not exporting to Excel, you can utilize the sharecol functionality and put the parent task with the task so they are in the same column. Looks like this: If you like this, go into your Task name column and paste in this code: column.0.textmode=true column.0.sharecol=true column.0.valueformat=HTML column.0.value= Task:  column.0.displayname=Task & Parent column.1.valuefield=name column.1.link.linkproperty.0.valuefield=ID column.1.link.linkproperty.0.name=ID column.1.link.linkproperty.0.valueformat=int column.1.link.valueformat=val column.1.link.valuefield=objCode column.1.link.lookup=link.view column.1.descriptionkey=name column.1.textmode=true column.1.section=0 column.1.sharecol=true column.1.shortview=false column.1.stretch=100 column.1.valueformat=HTML column.1.linkedname=direct column.1.namekey=task.name.abbr column.1.width=150 column.1.isInlineEditable=false column.1.querysort=name column.1.listsort=string(name) column.2.textmode=true column.2.sharecol=true column.2.valueformat=HTML column.2.value= Parent:  column.3.valuefield=parent:name column.3.querysort=parent:name column.3.valueformat=HTML column.3.displayname= column.3.linkedname=parent column.3.namekey=view.relatedcolumn column.3.namekeyargkey.0=parent column.3.namekeyargkey.1=name Hope this is helpful. Anthony Imgrund FCB


Level 10
Anthony, I have filtered on number of children - however, in my grouping, I'm still seeing "no value" - what am I doing incorrectly. I have attached the project, the report results, my filter. Thanks. Benetta Perry APS


Level 10
Hi - sorry for the delayed response, was out on vacation. You have your filter for greater than 0. You want the Number of Children to equal 0. Greater than 0 is for only parents. Hope that helps. Anthony Imgrund FCB