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Flash Removal - Your Feedback is Needed!


Level 10
Hi everyone, With the ongoing initiative for removing Adobe Flash-related tools from Workfront, the Product Team is interested in hearing your feedback on several features currently available in the Flash tools - do you use them today and if so, how are they used? What do those features help you accomplish? Please take a look at the lists below and comment below on your usage of the listed functionality. It would also be great if you could take 1-2 minutes and rank those features via the Qualtrics survey at the following link: "http://survey.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1Taw9cQAXtiBnOl"> http://survey.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1Taw9cQAXtiBnOl Thanks, Vazgen, Anna
11 Replies


Level 8
Hi Vazgen, I took the survey, but I'm also leaving detailed feedback here. The thought of you taking away the Resource Grid, given the current state of the new tools and functionality, is concerning to our team. Here's how we use the User Utilization section and Resource Grid: User Utilization Filter by team and also filter by Project Status to review Available Hours and Total Planned Hours for the current and next month Filter by team and also filter by Project Status to review the Total Actual Hours for the previous month Resource Grid (Filtered by Team) Project Managers review the daily and weekly allocation for the next 30 days/month when setting up projects Because of our shorter project timelines, project managers will frequently (daily to weekly basis) review the grid, expand it to see the project and task level, and then determine what can be moved around or added if a person is over capacity We toggle between both planned and projected Resource forecasting: Because our projects are typically on 30, 60, or 90 day plans, we don't always know the specific project, i.e. eBook creation, that we'll be doing. Instead we've set up a Resource Forecast project that lists out every client and a bulk number of hours that we anticipate per team, i.e. Content Team. This pulls into the resource grid because we have a placeholder user assigned. We report on the resource forecast for the next 90 days by filtering the "Calculate Allocation" for specific dates and then using the User Utilization page to grab numbers that we then add to an Excel doc to do further manipulation. I'm happy to discuss further if you'd like. Thanks! Jenn Jennifer Tanabe Director, Project Management Vertical Measures


Level 10
I agree with Jenn. I can't imagine not having the current Resource Grid away. WorkFront should come up with something that 1) works, 2) Satisfies the needs currently fulfilled by the existing Resource Grid (as validated by end users), and 3) has a transition period so that both resource tools are there simultaneously for a period of time. Thanks, Jenn! Eric


Level 10
Sure thing Eric! This research is meant to identify the missing points in the new tool that are blockers for a transition from Flash. Our goal is to provide a smooth transition plan with as little disruption as possible and the tools will be running side by side until the end of the year at the very least. If you have any feedback on how to improve the new tools to cover the points 1 and 2, please don't hesitate to reach out! Also, here is the mapping with the new and Legacy tools to provide some context: User view of the Resource Planner - Resource Grid Project view of the Resource Planner - Capacity Planner (Resource Estimates on the Business Case) Role view of the Resource Planner - improved Resource Budget Manager Thanks, Vazgen


Level 10
Hi, I've already provided the following feedback to Vazgen, but here are my main points which I hope will be addressed so we can migrate from the flash-based legacy resource planner to the new one: On the project view, only show roles with planned hours on each project, rather than all roles from all resources on all resource pools. This needs to be implemented to make the tool usable for us, as we have so many roles that the screen is way too cluttered. It is my understanding that this will be implemented. Add 'complete' project status as a filter option. We regularly filter with this status in the legacy planner so that we can review historical resource utilisation. Percentages are needed - and being added in 18.1 I believe. We need to be able to filter by project custom data. Selecting time periods - it would be best to have a date selector box. Currently it is slow when moving back 1 month at a time - try going back 1 year! The loading performance of the tool is a bit slow for us. I believe an enhancement is under way to speed this up for larger customers like us. I really want the option to control the level of detail on the Excel export of user availability data. Currently it includes many rows of detail per resource and we don't always want that. Sometimes we want just a summary row per resource. Lastly (not raised yet with Vazgen) - we would love the ability to access user availability and utilisation data via the API. This would make it possible to automate our external reporting data collection. Without it we will have to keep manually extracting/copy-pasting the availability data. If improvements can be made to most of the above points, then the new resource planner will be in a good place for us to start using it, which we're looking forward to! Regards, David David Cornwell


Level 1
Also took the survey but chiming in here as well. Basically we would have serious problems if we lost access to the flash based tools in the near future, especially as some of the features we need don't yet appear to be available in production. Such as the AVL, BDG, VAR, NET numbers in the Resource Planner - need these to be available before doing away with legacy. Also, we need sufficient time with the new tools once they are up and running to figure out how they actually work, and how we are going to restructure resource pools, apply the changes, and then change manage and re-train our users. So keeping the legacy flash at least through January and ideally through Q1 would be essential for us. Business Case Resource Estimates : unclear on where we create the resource Budget - in Preview, it looks like we still use the old Flash biz case resource estimate tool for this? So does this Flash piece stay in place? We need to retain the ability to control when / if the initial biz case estimates (budget by Job Role) are to be replaced by the (hopefully better) estimates in the project schedule estimates. In some cases we keep the rough biz case estimates (BDG) in place indefinitely because project planning isn't completed in advance, but we want to have some resource placeholders for future quarters. Resource Pool Capacity Planner - haven't yet figured out how we change priority of the projects in the new tool? Also, all we are currently seeing is numbers for the PLN column, when is AVL coming - or have I missed something in our setup to enable this? It would also be helpful if the Excel export from new Resource Planner / Resource view was a flat file rather than a hierarchical view, ie the project is repeated on each line beside the roles and hours, rather than on the first line (ie as a sort of section headers). With an Excel flat file, we can subtotal or pivot if we want to summarize by project, however this is impractical with the current formatting. We are looking for this because we export the Capacity Planner data and use it to analyze resource demand & supply by staff vs contract (using a custom form on User data, since Workfront doesn't distinguish natively between contract and staff resources). Resource Grid - It looks like we can filter by Team, but not by Manager - is there a way to do the latter in the Resource Planner / View by User? Some of our Managers have 3 or 4 teams reporting to them. Our managers use the Resource Grid to see which of their people are fully or over committed (managers act as the Resource Manager for their own teams, PM's who want to use a Manager's resource need to get their OK first). Their current resource grid view is filtered so the manager sees only their own people, irrespective of which team they are in. The managers with multiple teams aren't going to want to select each of them one at a time. However, I must say that we are super excited about: Resource Planner / view by Role - shows the demand by each Project under each role - instantly answers one of the most commonly asked questions we get. Just awesome! Brian Cameron Alberta Energy Regulator


Level 10
I don't think I could have expressed our concerns and desires better than Brian Cameron has done. I can't add anything to what Brian has stated in his message. Thanks, Brian! Eric


Level 10
Vazgen, I took the survey and included comments at the end related to resource planning and gantt since that is what the question was geared to and everyone here seems to have covered resource planning pretty extensively on this thread. However, I did want to chime in on Legacy Gantt and Calendars... There are still some big benefits to the Legacy Gantt that the current Task Tab / Gantt solution just does not fulfill and they are pretty important. All of which I thing are critical to address before shutting it down. The current Legacy Gantt gives PMs the ability to see the impact of any task maintenance that they do with out committing (saving) the changes to the project. This gives them the ability to do a pseudo what-if capability without sending out potentially unintentional notifications to team members. They can cancel out of the changes altogether or use the undo feature. None of these are available in the Task tab/new gantt. One of their biggest pain-points when it comes to schedule maintenance and the Task tab is that if subsequent tasks suffer ill-effects of a change, there is nothing they can do to roll it back or undo it. Their only option is to manually locate and fix everything that may have been messed up and as far as notification go, if they don't use a workaround to change the status unintentional emails go out to team members for affected tasks. Along with the Task tab maintenance goes the responsibility of altering the project status from In-Flight to Planning in order to suppress email notifications from going out to team members. This work-around, provided by Workfront Support, also creates other problems which can result in reports missing projects or misrepresenting the actual status for the period of time that the status is temporarily changed for maintenance, to displaying unnecessary system updates in the updates tab, and finally displaying an misleading message in the My Work view to affected Team Members indicating that they no longer need to work on that item and potentially causing tasks to not display on the timesheets. All and all negative trickle down impacts to not having the Legacy Gantt available for use. The other flash based tool (or at least it appears to be) that we have been using and would love to use a lot more, is Calendars. This is really an untapped diamond in the rough as far as Workfront Features go. I am curious why we don't hear more about it being developed, etc. There is certainly a lot of interest/demand for it. All you have to do is see the posts on the Idea Exchange. With Flash being phased out, what is the plan for the Calendar feature. Will we be losing this feature altogether? I'd really hate to see that happen! :( Admin Kelly-Wehrmann SSFCU


Level 10
Hi Kelly, The calendars are not flash-based, though I agree that there is quite a lot of potential and not much focus on them. Probably the main reason we don't use them much is two-fold: The calendar shows Actual start/finish dates once they exist. We would prefer for the calendar just to show planned start/finish dates. Or, at least make this configurable. Performance is pretty slow when there is a moderate amount of data...I'd expect they could optimise this with a bit more dev focus. Regards, David Cornwell


Level 10
Hi everyone, Thanks for your feedback, it provided us with a lot of valuable insights that will help to shape the path to removing Flash from the system without breaking existing workflows! We will provide a detailed plan for Flash removal once we are closer to that stage. Thanks! Vazgen, Anna Vazgen Babayan Workfront


Level 1
Vazgen: As part of a new initiative that we've started to enhance our business process, we're attempting to integrate Resource Management, Resource Planning, and Resource Forecasting capabilities in Workfront all of which use the Flash components in the grids, lookups, etc. We, and others according to what I've read in the community threads, will be placed in a difficult position with the decreased functionality. I'm sure you can understand our predicament. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks. We have some concerns about the timing of the removal of Flash and the enormous functionality that will be lost if not replaced. 1) Is Workfront removing Flash at the end of 2018? What is the roadmap? 2) If so, will the functionality that is lost by its removal be replaced at the end of 2018? 3) If not, what is the timeline/roadmap for the replacement of that functionality? Rod Sparkman The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints - ICS


Level 10
Hi Rod, The new non-Flash tools are already present in the application and support the majority of the flows the old tools allowed while improving upon them as well. My recommendation will be to review the new functionality and build your processes based on that, as well as letting us know of any gaps that are blocking you from transitioning. As you may know, browsers will be fully dropping support for Flash technology in 2020 so our goal is to fully transition to the new tools before that deadline. Regarding the timeline, the plan right now is to remove Flash at the end of 2018, so please feel free to reach out to me directly if there are any gaps with the new tools' functionality that block the existing workflows. The following link can be used to schedule a call on my calendar directly: https://calendly.com/vazgenbabayan/flash_removal Thanks, Vazgen Babayan Product Manager Workfront