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Exporting Dashboard in full


Level 10
Is there any magic way to export whole dashboard e.g. from the project tab ? I was looking for the setting for it all over WF and sadly couldn't find it anyway. Is it even possible ? Thanks, D
9 Replies


Level 10
Hi Dagmara, As far as I'm aware, Dashboards pinned to a project tab do not as of yet have a native Export function within Workfront. The only way around this is simply to print within the browser but making sure to also tick any options to print background images (for example in Chrome this is done by by clicking 'More Options' when printing and ticking 'Background Graphics')


Level 10
No, Jamie Hill is right - no way to export the Dashboard. The best we can do is print to PDF and suffer the eccentricities that come with that. Eric


Level 10
Thanks Jamie and Eric. I thought it wouldn't be really possible. I'm gonna drop in Idea Exchange tho, as it would be really useful!


Level 8
Dags - can you update this post when you do submit to the idea exchange? I'd love to upvote it!


Level 10

0690z000007ZiVoAAK.pngNot to discourage the Upvoting...

But if anyone's interested in being able to quickly filter an entire dashboard with one or more reports on it down to a set (e.g. Projects, Tasks, Issues) or single item (e.g. Project, Task, Issue) and print it...our "


">UberFilter solution does just that. I've attached an example, to illustrate.

The printing -- thanks to Workfront -- is a fortuitous side effect of UberFilter's real purpose, which is to drastically reduce the number of (and therefore, maintenance of) reports you need to run your business in Workfront.

If you're interested in seeing if UberFilter is a good fit for your idea, I invite you to drop me an email at






Level 10
Able to export Dashboards in pdf There you go, vote vote vote! :) Thanks, d


Community Advisor
Just found your post when I went looking for Community help on sending a dashboard out like we can with reports. Thanks for putting it in the Idea Exchange , Dagmara! I see it's planned, but we're still waiting. Hopefully soon :-) Sheri Whitten Gordon Food Service