I'm probably going to make a hash of trying to explain the EXISTS FILTER but here it is, explained as I understand it. You have to be able to know how to read the API EXPLORER a bit before trying this: PROBLEM: Show me projects where portfolio owner is no longer active in a PROJECT report. SOLUTION: So our origin is the Project (basically what we are reporting). On the API EXPLORER/Projects, you can see there is a field called portfolioID. On API EXPLORER/Portfolio, you can see ID. That's basically what the Project and Portfolio have in common and how they're connected. Also on API EXPLORER/Portfolio, you can look at the reference tab and see that you can hop to the owner. Then API EXPLORER/Owner has the isActive field. Here's then how it should work as a filter.
For it to be useful for other objects:
EXISTS:1:$$OBJCODE= CODE to 1st hop(PORT) EXISTS:1: match field value on 1st hop(PORT's ID) =FIELD: matching field to the original report objtype(Project's porfolioID) EXISTS:1: hops to references under 1st hop(PORT/Owner/isActive) =value for the field I've used this recently with a question on document approvals: PROBLEM: show me all document approvals where the project is specific status eg CUR. SOLUTION:
EXISTS:1:$$OBJCODE=DOCU EXISTS:1:ID=FIELD:documentID EXISTS:1:project:status=CUR Hope this helps. Polly Co