I've been digging into EXISTS statements recently with varied success.
For other's who are just diving into EXISTS statements- I've been referencing @Narayan Raum 's guide which has been a MAJOR help!
https:// wf-pro .com/how-to/how-to-add-exists-and-notexists-to-a-filter/
Along with the Workfront provided documentation:
I'm trying to build a Document Version report that references a Proof Approval's . I was getting error messages for the longest time- but I think I've worked out all of the target field, objects, linking fields, etc.
I think I have my syntax correct- but it's returning no results (which I guess is an improvement from an error!):
EXISTS:A:$$EXISTSMOD=EXISTS EXISTS:A:$$OBJCODE=PRFAPL EXISTS:A:documentVersionID=FIELD:ID EXISTS:A:approverID=0b00000f008851c9d90b52be4a77ca00 EXISTS:A:approverID_Mod=in
Anyone know where I'm going wrong? Thanks!
Satchell Mische-Richter Quality Bicycle Products