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ETC hours based on %Complete


Level 1
Hi, Our company is trying to install a column which shows ETC-hours based on the %Complete and Planned Hours without this being a manual field (so the system calculates this for us). So for example: planned hours for a task is 100 hours, 40% is completed and the ETC-column shows that we have 60 hours left. Is this possible in the project-view or does this only show in the Resource Planner? Would be great if someone has some advice on this. Thanks, Tim Vroom Tim Vroom Oceaneering AGV Systems (OASYS)
3 Replies


Level 10
Hi Tim, I'd suggest you add an "ETC Hours" calculated column in your task view(s) with valueexpression= plannedHours * (1 - (percentComplete/100)). Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore Got Skills? Lend a hand! https://community.workfront.com/participate/unanswered-threads


Level 1
Hi Doug, Thank you for your suggestion. I have given it a couple of tries but I seem to be unsuccessful so far. What I have in Text Mode is the following: displayname= linkedname=direct namekey=ETC Hours querysort=DE:ETC Hours textmode=true valueexpression=plannedHours * (1 - (percentComplete/100)) valuefield=ETC Hours valueformat=customNumberAsString I'm not very experienced with Text Mode, do you happen to have some more tips? Thanks. Tim Tim Vroom Oceaneering AGV Systems (OASYS)


Level 10
Happy to, Tim, There's a good primer explaining "https://support.workfront.com/hc/en-us/articles/115000497647-Calculated-Custom-Data-Vs-Calculated-Columns">Calculated Custom Data Vs. Calculated Columns , and in this case, I'm suggesting the latter so the data will never get stale (and therefor, gain higher trust from those viewing it). From the Advanced Reporting Guide (sold separately) there are many attributes you can specify, but after a little fiddling around (e.g. remembering that the Planned Hours is called "work" and is in minutes), I'd suggest this text mode solution: displayname=ETC Hours textmode=true valueexpression=ROUND(((100-{percentComplete})/100)*({work}/60),1) valueformat=double Which turns out like this: Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore Got Skills? Lend a hand! https://community.workfront.com/participate/unanswered-threads