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Editing attached custom forms


Level 2
Hi All, We're relatively new to the Workfront system having recently just implemented the new software, we have gone through months of config and testing, but now that we are flying solo we have discovered an issue with the inability to edit customs forms attached to an active project (unless you are admin) in our business our sales team will regularly need access to add info to project brief (custom form) to confirm new client details, we have investigated and tested using the ascent training and help pages but with no success. If anyone has experienced the say issue or has a solution we would appreciate the assist. Thanks Artur Artur Zarychta DCI-Artform
4 Replies


Level 10
I think you might want to look at your project's sharing (click on project actions and then click on sharing) and give your sales team more access. "Contribute" should work for them. If it didn't I would be checking what specific items are checked on/off for Contribute, and then the access levels for the license type your sales team have in your settings area. -skye


Level 3
In addition to checking the Sharing on the projects as Skye suggested, check the Sharing on the custom form itself. Also, check any section breaks to make sure the permissions on those permit users other than admins to view/edit a section. Step #17 in this support article talks about the Sharing on a custom form:


Level 2
Skye, Thanks you for your response. I have already tried edit "sharing" options on project and custom form levels, it didn't help, not sure how I can check custom form fields with regards to access level. Allison, Thank you, let me go through these articles, hopefully they will help. Just one more comment, when I'm trying to share custom form with our sale team I have small info box saying "the system administrator has restricted permissions to view", all sale team members have got worker license assigned. Kind regards Artur Zarychta DCI-Artform


Level 9
Hi, Artur. Workfront has lots of ways to restrict access to objects, which gives you lots of flexibility; unfortunately, it also gives you a lot of different places to check when you're not getting the access you want. In my experience, the "system administrator has restricted permissions to view" message usually pertains to an issue with the user's access level. I suggest you check the settings in the access level that you've assigned to the sales team. Go to Setup->Access Levels and click on the access level you've assigned to the sales team. It's possible that they don't have View rights on one or more of the object types they need to see. That should be easy to spot and fix in this interface, though. To check how a custom form is being shared, go to Setup->Custom Forms, click on the custom form in question, and go to the "Form Sharing" tab. ~Eric Eric Manning Language Line Translation Solutions