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Dynamic Intake Kanban Board - Reconciliation of premature cards


Level 5

I have a Kanban Board setup with a Dynamic Intake filter. The general function of the filter is as follows:

  • Task: Assigned To ID = Specific Team
  • Project Status = In Process
  • Task Status = New or In Progress
  • Task Can Start = True

The filter functions as intended with new cards (linked to project tasks) populating the board based on those rules. The problem that I keep running into is that sometimes a predecessor on a task has been removed (so the predecessor column is blank). This is usually because the predecessor task was deleted and no one went to the dependent task and re-added a task number in the (now blank) predecessor column. Since the predecessor column is blank, Workfront then considers that task "Ready to Start" and with all other conditions met, the card shows up on the Kanban board.

Adding on to the problem, if I notice that a card has shown up on the Kanban board prematurely, even if I go to the task and fill out the predecessor column (so it's no longer "Ready to Start") the card remains on the Kanban board. To get rid of the card I've been clicking the 3 dots on the card, choosing "Disconnect" (to disconnect it from the actual task). Then once it's disconnected I can delete the card.

Is there some way I can get a card to disappear from the Kanban board if it's Intake Rules are no longer being met? If not, are there any suggestions to help keep the Kanban board from getting cluttered with tasks that shouldn't be there yet?

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